US Election: Is America’s Global Dominance Sustainable Or Doomed to Fail?

US Election: Is America’s Global Dominance Sustainable Or Doomed to Fail?

3 months ago
3 mins read

America gave the world a new type of nation-state. It is ironic that as the nation-state paradigm begins to unravel, much of the world finds itself in contradiction with the most successful expression of nationality—and nationalism—that the modern world has witnessed.

America’s Republican Presidency

A rampant Republican presidency and a powerful nation continue to confound friends and foes alike, leading to a profound anti-American sentiment abroad.

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The global liberal intelligentsia is still reeling from the unexpected defeat of the democratic standard bearer in the recent presidential elections.

“In France, America’s foremost adversary, the atmosphere is gloomy,” said a political analyst. “The Mirror of England famously wondered how fifty-eight million people could be so ignorant.”

Pride and Prejudice

Much of this hysteria boils down to pride and prejudice on both sides of the divide. It is the arrogance of the old world contending with the contempt of the new. Four years ago, when George W. Bush controversially prevailed over Al Gore despite losing the popular vote, many saw a plutocratic conspiracy to crowd out America’s democratic masses from political contention.

“This time around, it is clear that the son of the older Bush has connected with Middle America,” noted a commentator. “Why should the rest of the world feel it has the right to legislate America’s destiny for Americans?”

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Anti-American Sentiments

Why would middle Americans be so blatantly contemptuous of anti-American sentiments abroad? Is this a heroic defense of American core values against Europe’s cynicism, or a reflex circling of the wagons by a nation under global siege?

Expectations from America

As the most powerful and militarily dominant nation and the richest society in human history, America is expected to lead the world toward a more humane and respectful society.

This can be done through a more multilateral approach to global issues, less belligerence abroad, and a political conservatism that is compassionate, conciliatory, less conflictual, and more consensus-seeking.

America’s Response

The American response to this indictment is equally telling. “The way to a more humane and enlightened world is not through liberal flip-flopping but through a proactive policy of retribution,” said a political strategist. “There must be no dialogue with ‘the axis of evil’. These nations must be subdued and pounded into submission.”

American Moral Majority

This Samurai code has found resonance with the American moral majority, particularly after the September 11, 2001, attacks. When there was a record turnout in the last presidential elections, many pundits thought that the real owners of America were reclaiming their nation.

America’s Revolutionary Roots

America was founded on the ruins of feudal Europe, a bold attempt by revolutionary visionaries to create humanity anew. George Washington, its first president, set America on the path to becoming a radical democracy and the first truly revolutionary society.

“This may seem a moot point, but it’s crucial,” explained a historian. “Succeeding revolutionary attempts to create humanity anew have often ended with the founders dying on the throne or becoming despots.”

Institutional Strengths

America’s strength lies in its institutions. “The military would never dare take over power in America, and neither would a tyrant survive long in the White House,” said a political scientist. “The system may occasionally creak, but it prevails.”

American Optimism

The anarchic obverse of this coin is the triumphalist optimism it breeds, the belief that everything will be alright eventually. Every American voter considers themselves a mini-sovereign entitled to determine the nation’s destiny.

The American Dream

The American dream is a glorious advertisement for egalitarianism. When Benjamin Franklin arrived in Paris as the ambassador of the new nation, he affronted many with his brashness, but it was a compliment to the American dream.

Global Perception of America

French political circles never tire of criticising American brashness, while Americans disdain the political somersaults of the European elite. “This mutual misperception explains the current global anxiety about America’s direction,” said an analyst.

America’s Competitive Ethos

America’s success is predicated on relentless competition, turning its military into a supreme fighting machine. However, this neo-Calvinist ethos can turn a nation into a hard and unfeeling monad. “America is the richest country, but far from the happiest,” observed a sociologist.

Perhaps we are witnessing the stirrings of a truly post-modern society. America—and its leadership—should pause and reflect on the old empires of history. If they cannot do this on their own, perhaps they should seek guidance from old world philosophers.


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Emmanuel Ochayi is a journalist. He is a graduate of the University of Lagos, School of first choice and the nations pride. Emmanuel is keen on exploring writing angles in different areas, including Business, climate change, politics, Education, and others.


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