UNN Mass Comm Faculty Building: A Dream Come Through - Prof Wogu
L-R: UNN Mass Communication Department Lecturers - Ikechukwu Ugbo, Prof. Greg Ezea, Dr Chidiebere Nwachukwu, Prof. J. O. Wogu, Prof. Chinwe Okpoko, Prof. Michael Ukonu,

UNN Mass Comm Faculty Building: A Dream Come Through – Prof Wogu

February 17, 2024
3 mins read

Head, Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Professor Joseph Wogu, has expressed his excitement at the fact that the construction of the proposed Faculty of Communication Studies building, in the University has finally commenced, after years of yearning for it.

Professor Wogu spoke during the official award of contract for the construction of the building during the week.

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Expressing his pleasure at the development, Prof. Wogu stated that the commencement of the project was a dream come through for him as it was something he has always looked forward to coming to fruition before his tenure as Head of the Department elapses.

“I first of all want to express how excited I am at this development, when I became Head of this department, this project was one of the major things I had on my agenda and to be able to witness the start of the project in my tenure is a big feat for me.

“My predecessor, Dr. Ohaja started talking about how to acquire a place where Jacksonites would build a Mass Communication building during her tenure after which the school administration gave us a place and a timeline which unfortunately, we could not meet.

“I want to specially thank the Vice Chancellor, most especially the deputy Vice chancellor, Administration, Professor Pat Okpoko, for facilitating this process. I thank the Director, Physical Planning and the people of goodwill around here and my prayer is that God’s grace would be on you throughout the duration of this project in Jesus name.”

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“I also want to thank the members of the department who have stood by me till date and it is definitely a big win for Staff and students of the department to see what we have clamoured for become a reality.

“The faculty of Communication Studies when completed, is expected to house the departments of Public Relations, Advertising, Development Communication Studies, Broadcasting and Journalism and Media studies in line with the NUC directives on unbundling,” he said.

Prof. Wogu went further to solicit support for the equipment the department would need to run the Faculty once the building is completed.

He said: “Unbundling the department would require the purchase of specialized equipment for different departments within the proposed Faculty something which would require lots of funding to realize.

“We therefore call on well-meaning individuals and corporate organisations to assist the department in ensuring that the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies when ready Is fully equipped and smoothly run.”

In his acceptance speech, the contractor in charge of the project, John Ukwueze of Bethiyke Nigeria limited expressed his commitment and readiness to complete the project in record time.

“The consultant architect, the director of physical planning, the HoD Mass Communication, I want to appreciate your efforts in making it possible that we have been appointed to carry on this project and we want to assure you of a timely delivery and also a quality project as our watchword ‘delivery on time and with quality’ states.

“I want to thank you of this opportunity once again as we also continue to promise our continued efforts towards a conclusive project,” he concluded.

Representative of the Vice chancellor at the event, deputy Vice chancellor, administration of the University, Professor Pat Uche Okpoko while expressed his joy that the project is finally commencing.

He said: “I want to begin by thanking the vice chancellor who made sure that this is a successful event. Initially, I thought this project was something that wouldn’t come through due to the situation of things in the country.

“This is because the VC may be interested in a project but the request would be scuttled at Abuja but by the grace of God we have seen results today.

“I want to thank immensely the Vice Chancellor and the Director of physical planning, Professor Okechukwu, who gave me a hint when the project slot arrived which made me remember I have somewhere I also belong which is the in the department of Mass Communication.

“I also want to thank the department of Mass Communication because why I remembered Mass Communication for this project was because they started talking about their own land at a time.

“So, when I saw this opportunity, I figured we could start somewhere so that if the department also wanted to come in, they could come in and to assure them that this is just a new beginning as many good things were coming their way.

“I will also pray for the Faculty and University because this is a university that we owe a great deal of respect, so many of us would want to ensure that we move this system beyond where we think it currently is and the current vice Chancellor in trying to achieve that is currently carrying out a number of infrastructural projects in the faculties of Arts, Education , Agric, Social Sciences, Engineering etc. which are all moving along well.”



Emmanuel Eze, PBA Journalism Mentee
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