Emirates To Suspend Flights To Nigeria Over Inability To Repatriate Earnings
Emirates To Suspend Flights To Nigeria Over Inability To Repatriate Earnings

Trapped Funds: Emirates Airlines To Proceed On Suspension of Nigerian Flights Despite CBN Intervention

September 1, 2022
1 min read

Emirates Airlines has revealed that the suspension of Nigerian flights will continue after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) released funds to settle protest among foreign airlines over trapped funds. 

Two weeks ago, the United Arab Emirates national carrier disclosed that it will halt operation, and in a statement on Wednesday, the Dubai-based airline said it will reinstate flight operations from September 11, 2022 for Inbound flights from Dubai to Lagos and outbound flights from Lagos to Dubai. 

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“We are pleased to inform you that effective from 11th September 2022, we will reinstate operations of our flights,” Emirates said, adding, “Inbound flights from Dubai to Lagos (EK783) and outbound flights from Lagos to Dubai (EK784) will recommence from Sunday, 11th September 2022. 

 “Lagos flights after 30th September, 2022 will be advised in due course.” The company said. The decision comes after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) released funds to enable foreign airlines exchange their revenue from ticket sales to foreign currency. 

About $464 million belonging to foreign airlines are trapped in Nigeria, with Emirates Airlines accounting for $85 million of the total fund. The company said it can’t continue to operate if the government doesn’t ease their process of repatriation. 

“Emirates has taken the difficult decision to suspend all flights to and from Nigeria, effective 1 September 2022, to limit further losses and impact on our operational costs that continue to accumulate in the market.” Emirates had stated two weeks ago. 

Nigeria’s central bank released $265 million to foreign airlines after Emirates Airlines and British Airways threaten to suspend their flight operation into the country and outbound flights as well.

The suspension by Emirates Airlines begins on September 1, 2022, with no flight operation expected for almost two weeks going by its recent statement that it will reinstate flight operations on September 11.


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