Satanic Leadership And Nigeria’s Boiling Point 
Salihu Moh-Lukman

Satanic Leadership And Nigeria’s Boiling Point 

Open Letter to former President Olusegun Obasanjo
December 16, 2024
11 mins read

Our Excellency, I am inspired to write this open letter to you after reading the newspaper report about an interactive session you featured on Sunday, December 8, 2024, which was tagged ‘Boiling Point Arena’. The newspaper report quoted you to have said that a ‘leader made by Satan is bound to fail, while God’s chosen one will thrive’. You were reported to have expressed your disagreement with the notion that all leaders are made by God, arguing that ‘just like God, Satan has the power to enthrone a leader, but he lacks salvation.’ Sincerely, I must declare my limited religious knowledge and will not be able to engage your assertions regarding any religious understanding. However, being a very keen Nigerian who is committed to the democratic development of our dear country, and who has made his modest contributions, it is important to ask the question, is Satan not also created by God?

This question is being asked not because I want to disagree with you, but largely because I want to appeal to you to kindly have the needed broad mind to take responsibility as one of the privileged leaders of this country. We must not shield mistakes of the past with some imaginary explanations of leaders created by Satan and those created by God. While appealing to Your Excellency to take responsibility, may I also respectfully use you as a point of contact with all our past surviving leaders of this great nation called Nigeria. Gen. Yakubu Gowon, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, Gen. Abdulsalam Abubakar, former President Goodluck Jonathan and former President Muhammadu Buhari are past leaders of this country who God in his infinite mercy has blessed with long life. Without resorting to any blame game, whether today’s leaders of this country are made by Satan or God, all of you put together, individually and collectively, are the parents of today’s Satanic leaders of Nigeria.

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I am making this point very cautiously, and advisedly. It is never intended to disrespect any of you, but to emphatically make the point that today’s Satanic leaders are produced because of the shortcomings and mistakes of past leaders. A decisive factor in all of these is the attempt to manipulate the emergence of successive Nigerian leaders. All the major challenges faced by Nigeria since independence are the result of attempts by all past leaders, including Your Excellency to produce anointed successors. In varying degrees, this is responsible for all the political crises facing Nigeria and the derivative social and economic crises, which progressively got worse under all successive leaders. That Nigeria’s challenges are getting worse might be confirmation of Satanic leaders. To the extent that human life in Nigeria is no longer secure, which basically means returning to Hobbesian state with life becoming ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’.

As a nation, we live in a state of permanent fear with insensitive and incompetent leaders. Unfortunately, the problem of leadership keeps progressively getting worse so much that citizens are increasingly giving up any prospect of producing a better leader, or, if you like, a leader made by God. At the risk of making blasphemous statement, so long as current leaders are allowed to influence the emergence of successors, only Satanic leaders can emerge. The challenge of leadership in Nigeria with reference to the Satanic analogy is akin to having only couples with the Satanic genotype exercising monopoly of producing successive Nigerian leaders, which may be the only logical explanation of why we are stuck with Satanic leaders. How can we as a nation break this cycle of Satanic leaders? This may perhaps depend on what we do to stop giving birth to leaders with the Satanic genotype.

The capacity to stop giving birth to leaders with Satanic genotype may be a function of the ability to re-engineer our politics and democracy. This is only possible if leaders like Your Excellency can remorsefully look at the country’s political realities and acknowledge the mistakes you all committed. In acknowledging the mistakes of the past, it will be incumbent on all past leaders to recognise Your Excellencies’ contributions. No matter how small those contributions may be, they are significant in getting Nigeria en route to its current Hobbesian state. Such acknowledgments are important moral qualifiers to influence a fundamental shift in the makeup of new political makeup that can stop the birth of leaders with Satanic genotype and lead to the emergence of leaders with Godly genotype.

The big question is whether Your Excellencies want to consider engaging these issues based on the strategy of acquiring the needed moral qualifier to influence the fundamental shift to lead to the emergence of leaders with Godly genotype. This is not to question Your Excellencies’ competences, commitments or outstanding contributions to the difficult and near-impossible task of nation-building. Every patriotic Nigerian will recognise your selfless dispositions and the sacrifices you made throughout your lives for the country. You surrendered your lives for the country and therefore will be very much justified to be worried about the state of the nation today. That you are alive today, witnessing the downturn of our national life could only be interpreted based on the fact that God expect you to play a crucial role in producing leaders with Godly genotype for Nigeria.

If you are to succeed in discharging such a crucial assignment, it is important you also recognise the unintended role you could have played in producing the current Nigerian leaders with Satanic genotype. One of such unintended roles is how Your Excellency inadvertently institutionalised the practice of imposition of candidates in our political parties. Without going into details, you will recall how in PDP, ahead of the 2007 elections, under Your Excellency’s leadership, the practice of imposition of candidates became the political robe of the PDP. Eventually, being the ruling party for sixteen years, imposition of candidates became acceptable political rule. With imposition, basically, our democracy lost its bearing and became a shadow of the worst authoritarian system. Related to imposition is the problem of rigging. Again, without trying to indict you, you will recall how INEC under Prof. Maurice Iwu during your tenure rigged the 2007 elections in favour of PDP. It is a sad reminder that at that time, INEC declared result of Presidential election before collation of results were concluded.

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Like I said, Your Excellency, I don’t intend to bring all these to indict you. I am only citing them so that you are able to acknowledge your own mistakes. There is no way we can engage in any meaningful debate about how you can play a crucial role in producing leaders with Godly genotype for Nigeria without coming up with valid recommendations on how to deal the twin political monsters of imposition of candidates and electoral rigging in Nigeria. In fact, these are two-headed political cobras that have destroyed all political parties in Nigeria today. As it is, Nigeria is a democracy without a functioning political party, which is why the country is failing and all elections marred in credibility crisis. There is no way under such atmosphere, a different leader other than Satanic one could emerge. Whether Nigeria can produce leaders with Godly genotype and not Satanic genotype depends on whether we can re-engineer our politics to produce at least one political party with potential to produce leaders with Godly genotype.

Sadly, it would appear that the national mindset is uninterested about producing a functional political party. Part of the big drawback is the fact that almost everyone is preoccupied about candidates for elections, which has produced a fixated mentality across all shades of opinions in the country that is keeping the country in a permanent state of equilibrium that motivates politicians to operate based on capacity to impose candidates and rig elections. This has woefully reduced almost all politicians to anything but democratic. Consequently, very few politicians prioritise building relationship with citizens as basis of electoral victory. In other words, almost every average politician operates with a conquest mentality. As a result, the business of politics and governance is diminished to an assemblage of cheerleaders.

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These are the fundamental issues. So long as politics and governance are being diminished to the status of an assemblage of cheerleaders, the Satanic genotype will continue to be Nigeria’s leadership makeup. With such makeup, acts of impunity will continue to drive politics and even if we produce new parties with different names, such parties will at best be PDP and APC cloned. That is exactly what destroyed APC with all the potential it had in 2015. How can we as a nation change that? Is there any prospect that within the shortest time possible the process of political re-engineering to produce a functional party that can be activated to serve as the harbinger for the emergence of leaders with Godly genotype?

Your Excellency, this is the crux of this open letter. I believe that within the shortest time possible the process of producing a functional political party, which can be the harbinger for the emergence of leaders with Godly genotype is possible. In fact, it has already commenced. However, there are risk factors that if left on their own can pollute the process and take us back to square one and end up with another cloned PDP/APC. Once that is the case, we may end up with worse leaders based on Satanic logic. The biggest risk factor is the failure to humble all opposition political leaders and get them to unite under one political platform. Already, some opposition leaders are resisting efforts to form a united political platform largely because of their subsidiary ambitions to contest elections. On account of such subsidiary ambitions, some are already playing the old hegemonic games of assembly loyalists or cheerleaders. Three of them are former state Governors. There is also a group associated with one of the legacy parties that merged to form the APC. This group is already drawing so-called leadership lineup for an imaginary party to be formed by opposition leaders. In many states, they have already chosen so-called Governorship candidates. With such outlook, it logically means they already have their Presidential candidate.

There are some that are hiding behind some so-called consultation shuttle mission to some of you, notably Your Excellency and other past leaders such as Gen. Gowon and Gen. Babangida. Some of them are springing up regional and ethnic debates in the country and are forming so-called regional ‘democratic’ bodies that are nothing more than aristocrats with the mission of hoodwinking innocent citizens and end producing another assembly of Satanic leaders for Nigeria in 2027. A refutable Nigerian associated with one of the global financial institutions is being alleged to be the financier of one of the so-called regional ‘democratic’ bodies. The old card of imposition and potential strategy to rig 2027 is already rearing its ugly head.

The point is many political leaders who are expected to team up as a united body committed to producing a functional political party in the country capable of serving as the harbinger for the emergence of Godly leadership in Nigeria are refusing to accept to join forces with other political leaders in the opposition camp. Interestingly, many of them are adjudged to be close to Your Excellency and there are public speculations that you are encouraging them. I was privileged to be in the leadership of APC during the 2023 elections and I can say without fear of contradictions that APC won the 2023 elections on account of the division within the opposition. Although I have withdrawn my membership of APC, I can say authoritatively that the current mindset of President Tinubu and APC is to keep the opposition divided as basis for winning the 2027 elections.

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I will emphatically therefore make the point that any political leader in disagreement with the current sad reality or what Your Excellency correctly described as Nigeria having leaders made by Satan who refused to work with other opposition leaders, such a leader is inadvertently working for the electoral victory of APC and President Asiwaju in 2027. And anyone who indulges or support such leaders is also inadvertently working for the electoral victory of APC and President Asiwaju in 2027. Many of those inadvertently working for the electoral victory of APC and Asiwaju in 2027 have little or nothing to lose. If anything, these are people whose elasticity for survival is very high, their capacity to make personal adjustments to any situation they are confronted is limitless. They can continue to mismanage politics of the country, and by extension governance on accounts of narrow personal ambitions even if the country is to destroyed. Some of them have citizenship of other countries and those of them who don’t have citizenship of other countries can easily acquire one given their profile, which is partly why they could afford to be reckless and unconcerned about whether Nigeria is held in the grip of Satanic leaders.

Everything must be done to put Nigeria on the roadmap of producing Godly leaders. Leaders such as Your Excellency, together with Gen. Gowon, Gen. Babangida, Gen. Abdulsalam, former President Jonathan and former President Buhari have the huge moral obligation of engaging all opposition political leaders in the country to unite in order to produce a functional political party that can serve as the harbinger for the emergence of Godly leaders in the country. It is not enough to lament about the fact of Satanic leadership in the country. So long as Your Excellency and other past leaders failed to assert their moral authority in ways that can lead to the emergence of Godly leaders, it is as good as working for the second term of President Asiwaju and his team of failed leaders at all levels with all the problems they created. Of course, it simply means preference for Satanic leaders.

My appeal therefore is for you and all past leaders of the country to unconditionally declare support for the emergence of Godly leaders in the country. This is only possible if mistakes of the past that led to the current sad reality of having Satanic leaders at all levels are corrected. One way of achieving that is through working to produce a functional political party. Remember how patriotic Nigerians worked to form the PDP in 1998. And having formed the PDP made it functional and use it to negotiate a national agreement leading to Your Excellency’s emergence as the Presidential candidate and your eventual electoral victory in 1999. The reality is that Satanic leaders took over at all levels of Nigeria largely because all the structures that are required to facilitate emergence of Godly leaders as candidates for elections were weakened, if not destroyed. Therefore, if we want to produce Godly leaders, Your Excellency, all past leaders and all patriotic Nigerians must apply themselves towards rebuilding Nigerian politics to facilitate effective negotiations towards the emergence of candidates with Godly genotype.

The unity of all opposition political leaders is the first precondition. The second precondition is that negotiation to produce the political platform that will lead to the emergence of functional political party must not be driven by the ambition of any of the opposition leaders. In other words, all opposition leaders must set aside their personal ambitions. The third is that all opposition leaders must prioritise building strong relationship with each other, which is itself a function of high respect for one another. Any opposition leader working to outsmart others and impose his/her ambition has the Satanic genotype and is adversarial to the emergence of a functional political party in the country.

We must appeal to Your Excellency, and through you to all past political leaders of the country, and by extension all patriotic Nigerians to stop encouraging the current divisive orientation of political opposition in the country. Anyone who truly wants Nigeria to produce Godly leaders must go beyond lamentations and take all the necessary steps to correct the mistake of the past, which on account of acts of commission or omission made Nigeria to end up with Satanic leaders at all levels. Simple statement to all our opposition political leaders, many of whom are candidates for Satanic leadership, to drop their ambitions and join forces with other opposition leaders may be enough to create a new humbling political reality in the country. If all our past leaders can discharge such a responsibility leading to new political engineering in the country, they could have justified God’s wishes and blessings of long life. No doubt, this could be one important mission God has reserved for Your Excellencies.

Like other successful missions to your credit, if you add this to your records of achievements, it will further engrave you and all patriots who work to rebuild Nigeria’s democracy from its current despicable state, as the architects of new Nigeria. May God Almighty continue to strengthen Your Excellency and all past leaders with wisdom, courage and large heart to intervene and correct all the mistakes of the past. Getting Nigeria out of its current boiling point and producing Godly leaders at all levels is very necessary and urgent. Nigeria urgently needs God-chosen leaders that would succeed at all levels!

Salihu Moh. Lukman, writes from Kaduna


Salihu Moh. Lukman
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