Looming Danger of Docile Political Opposition
Salihu Lukman

SALIHU LUKMAN: Rescuing the APC, A Task For All Party Leaders

3 years ago
4 mins read

The sensational but mischievous news in some media is that President Buhari has sacked His Excellency Mai Mala Buni as APC CECPC Chairman and replaced him with His Excellency Abubakar Sani Bello as Sole Administrator.

This is a clear misrepresentation of all the internal contest in APC aimed at rescuing the party from the mutinous leadership of His Excellency Mai Mala Buni, Sen. John James Akpanudoedehe and their few collaborators.

The truth is that President Buhari, like most party leaders and members is highly disappointed at the serial cases of deliberate efforts by His Excellency Mai Mala Buni and his associates to block the APC Convention from holding based on alleged personal ambitions.

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Between November 2021 and January 2022, the APC Convention had to be postponed three times because of deliberate refusal to initiate most the processes required, such as booking the venue for the Convention and serving the statutory three weeks’ notice to INEC.

In addition, there were other serious allegations against the leadership of His Excellency Mai Mala, which include the discovery that his group, since November 2022, had obtained a Court injunction against the Convention and are waiting until three or two days to the Convention before serving it on the party to succeed in blocking the March 26 APC Convention from holding.

The plot is that His Excellency Mai Mala wants to continue to run the affairs of the party and conduct the party’s primary where candidates for 2023 elections would emerge. Based on that, there are specific allegations of His Excellency Mai Mala striking some deals with some Presidential aspirants to ensure their emergence as the Presidential Candidate of APC for the 2023 elections.

Some of the allegations suggests extorting monies from these aspirants, including someone who is yet to join the party. It is being alleged that campaign offices for the aspirant are already being opened even before such a person joined the party.

All these highlight problems of trust, which the leadership of His Excellency Mai Mala represented. A good confirmation of why it will be difficult for party leaders and members to continue to invest any trust on the His Excellency Mai Mala leadership of the Caretaker Committee is the attempt to constitute another zoning Committee after there is decision between President Buhari and Progressive Governors on zoning, based on which stakeholders of the party at zonal levels are to finalise negotiations on positions to go states.

As far as His Excellency Mai Mala is concerned, his interest is supreme and together with the Secretary of the CECPC, Sen. John James Akpanudoedehe and their collaborators outside the CECPC, they must block the APC Convention from holding on March 26.

As part of the plot, once they heard that President Buhari has agreed with some party leaders that necessary to save the party should be taken, which require change of the CECPC leadership, they decided to present it in the media that the President has sacked His Excellency Mai Mala Buni as the Chairman of the CECPC and appointed His Excellency Abubakar Sani Bello as Sole Administrator.

This is mischievously designed to present both the party and President Buhari as being undemocratic. To the contrary, internal organs of the party with all the statutory powers to effect all the necessary changes will be used to give effect to all the aspirations of President Buhari, party leaders and members to rescue the APC from the decidedly depraved leadership of His Excellency Mai Mala.

Anybody that will emerge as a replacement of His Excellency Mai Mala and the Sen. John James Akpanudoedehe as Chairman Secretary and Secretary will have all the requisite mandate of the organs vested with such responsibility as provided by the Constitution of the party.

This is the time when His Excellency Mai Mala and Sen. John James Akpanudoedehe and all their collaborators are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the party and President Buhari. Attempts to delimitimise the process of changing the leadership will only confirm their undertaker mission rather than serving as leaders of the CECPC.

All party leaders and members should support other members of the CECPC to rise to this occasion by ensuring that they effectively enforce collective leadership in the CECPC at this critical point in the life of the APC. Similarly, all leaders and members of the party must be vigilant to ensure that the new leadership of the party to emerge from all the internal contest currently going on are leaders that will faithfully implement all decisions, especially the scheduled March 26, 2022 APC Convention.


If anything, what is going on in APC today proves that it is the only party where internal contest is taking place. It is the only party that acknowledges its challenges and confront them without any pretense. Thanks to the leadership of President Buhari, APC is going through a very tedious and difficult process of rebirth.

Part of the challenge facing the party has to do with internal betrayals by trusted leaders. However, with the courageously unbiased leadership of President Buhari, in the last two years, the party is able to confront its leadership challenges. Nigerians must be reminded that the leadership challenge facing the country, however defined, cannot be remedied without a democratically functional political party with a leadership that is honest and trustworthy.

This will not be achieved through denials. In other words, any party whose leadership is corrupt and dishonest can only produce corrupt and dishonest leaders in government. Since 2020, APC has been going through processes of internal leadership cleansing as part conscious of efforts to ensure the emergence of honest and trustworthy candidates for 2023 elections.

As party loyalists, we must remain vigilant, confident and courageous to continue to support and engage all our party leaders to take all the painful decisions, which are needed to ensure that the March 26 APC Convention restore all the democratic structures of the APC and put the APC back on the path to electoral victory in 2023. APC is a party, which in its short period of existence has proven that leadership is about trust.

Once a leader betrays the trust invested in him, the needed democratic process and structures will be activated to reorganise and produce new leaders who will honestly serve the party. May Allah (SWT) continue to guide all our APC leaders to put APC back in the direction of providing the needed political leadership to facilitate politics of change in Nigeria. Amin!

smlukman@gmail.com  prides  himself as a freelance APC Campaigner


Salihu Moh. Lukman
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