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PeacePro Tackles USIP Over Call For Military Intervention In Niger Republic

Says Foreign Interest Should Not Supercede local Interest
2 years ago
1 min read

A peacebuilding think tank, Foundation for Peace Professionals also known as PeacePro has cautioned the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) over its advocacy, encouraging ECOWAS on a misguided mission of military intervention in Niger Republic.

PeacePro also noted that, USIP’s advocacy for military intervention in Niger Republic betrays any known peacebuilding techniques that could foster cooperation and ensure conflict transformation.

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In a statement by the Executive Director of PeacePro, Mr Abdulrazaq Hamzat, the think tank said that it read with dismay, the statement credited to USIP country manager, Chris Kwaja, urging ECOWAS to use force and bite hard in handling the situation in Niger Republic.

According to Hamzat, several foreign interest, including United State Institute of Peace (USIP) has been nudging ECOWAS to take military action against Niger Republic over the recent military coup, a development that could lead West Africa subregion into greater insecurity, human rights violation and instability.

Hamzat explained that, while it is very crucial to restore democracy in Niger Republic, doing so by force and with barrel of gun will have dare consequence for the region and no one with genuine interest of peace and tranquility will encourage such move.

“Democracy is the best form of government, but democracy instituted through force and barrel of gun cannot produce desired result” Hamzat said.

Hamzat also urges USIP to stay on its peacebuilding lane, rather than delving into politics, adding that foreign interest should not supercede local interest.

“As a peacebuilding institute, USIP should not be advocating for war, or any action that could lead to war in Africa” He said


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