Media Foundation West Africa Opens Applications For DPI Journalism Fellowship

Media Foundation West Africa Opens Applications For DPI Journalism Fellowship

7 months ago
1 min read

The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), in partnership with Co-Develop, has invited applications from 60 experienced journalists across four countries in West Africa – Benin, Ghana, Togo, and Nigeria – for a three-month fellowship focusing on Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI).

The deadline for applications is 30 September 2024.

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MFWA, known for its dedication to promoting freedom of expression, press freedom, access to information, internet freedom, and media development throughout the 16 countries in West Africa, is launching the second phase of its DPI Journalism Fellowship. This initiative aims to elevate public awareness, debates, participation, inclusivity, and the uptake of DPI in West Africa through enhanced media reporting and public discourse on DPI and Digital Public Goods (DPGs).

Fellowship Overview

Building on the success of Phase I, which saw 20 journalists from 10 West African countries participate, Phase II will commence in November 2024 and run until January 2025. The fellowship will involve a combination of training workshops, mentorship, and story production. Selected journalists will continue to engage in network activities and further reporting on DPI/DPGs for an additional three months after the initial fellowship period.

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The fellowship offers both virtual and in-person, country-specific capacity-building sessions for the selected fellows. Quarterly virtual follow-up sessions will also be held to ensure ongoing knowledge-sharing and collaboration on DPI/DPGs issues.

By the conclusion of the fellowship, each participant is expected to have produced at least five significant stories on DPI/DPGs, which must be published in their respective news outlets. Fellows will receive a certificate of participation upon completion of the programme.


Fellows will receive:

– Training and mentorship opportunities
– Reporting grants of up to $300 per story

– A monthly stipend of $250 for the first three months of the fellowship
– Support for partner newsrooms through a $1000 DPI/DPGs Newsroom Partnership Programme
– Travel grants for top DPI/DPGs reporters to participate in international training or conferences

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups, possess strong social and communication skills, have a positive attitude toward work, and have a proven record of diligent journalistic reporting. Basic knowledge, interest, or professional experience in ICTs and digitalisation is also required.

Application Process

Interested journalists should complete the fellowship application form for their respective countries:

– [Ghana](
– [Nigeria](
– [Togo](
– [Benin](

Applications should include a 350-word statement of interest, a CV with two referees, a statement of  support from the applicant’s media organisation, and a copy of a national ID.

For more information, visit


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