Financial Inclusion Is Key For Economic Growth, Says Adesemowo

3 years ago
1 min read

CHIEF Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Social Lender, Faith Adesemowo, has described financial inclusion as a veritable tool for economic growth.

Faith Adesemowo who was a speaker at the Prime Business Africa’s 3rd Socio-economic Entrepreneurship Development Series (SEEDS),  which held yesterday,  themed: “Financial Inclusion And How It Impacts the World.”

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The CEO and Co-Founder Social Lender, noted that financial inclusion will lead to economic growth and enhanced financial stability.

According to her,  she has realized in her line of work, that there is need for not just financial inclusion but financial literacy as well because most people do not have the information needed to make the right decisions when it comes to finance.

Adesemowo believes that good communication should be part of  the financial inclusion process. She therefore appealed to media organizations to help provide proper information that can guide individuals  in making choices and decisions that can help improve their economic situations.

Adesemowo rounded off by reiterating that financial inclusion has the capacity to better the life of individuals living across Africa, all things being equal.


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