“Eat Cockroaches For Protein,” Reports Say
“Eat Cockroaches For Protein,” Reports Say

“Eat Cockroaches For Protein,” Reports Say

January 26, 2022
3 mins read

Independently, more than four news reports have found out that cockroaches are protein-filled so advised, they may not be harmful for human consumption, after all.

News spots which include CNN, Gulf News, The HansIndia, Teminix among many others seem to have cautioned: “Enough of seeing cockroaches as mere brutes only to be caught and destroyed.”

We probably consider eating insects as disgusting especially in the Nigerian society. In fact, we don’t even consider them at all. But in many cultures like Asians, cockroaches and other insects are their staples. In Thailand for instance, cockroach meals are a yummy dish especially when it is deep fried in the oil to get that crunchy texture and taste.

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Cockroaches Are Protein-Packed: The Reports

In a 2016 report that went viral, CNN did a report titled: “Drink up: Cockroach milk is the protein drink you didn’t know you’ve been missing.” This broke the internet completely. In fact, the CNN report preambled: “A little cockroach milk with those cookies? Chock full of protein, the insect milk may someday be transformed into a food supplement worthy of human consumption, new research indicates.”

Again, a Gulf News report entitled: “Papa cockroach is healthy food for humans: Chinese farmer breeds bugs for the table,” a roach farmer,  Li Bingcai said: “We breed them in a hygienic environment. They eat proper food – nothing synthetic.”

In the report, Liu Daoyuan, Chief Specialist at the Yinchuan City Yongshou Medical Centre said: “The bugs have detoxifying properties and can act as a diuretic. He added: “It is also effective for relieving sore throat, tonsillitis, (liver) cirrhosis and fluid build-up.”

Gulf News also found out, a restaurant down the road from the cockroach farmer’s small facility fries them up in famously spicy Sichuan sauce for the gutsier eaters.

“People don’t believe how good it is until they try some,” Li told AFP, putting a live one into his mouth as others crawled all over the place.

For Li: “The greatest effect of cockroaches is that they have great immunity, which is why humans will absorb its benefits after eating them. He noted that in China, cockroaches are dubbed “Little Strong” because they can live for days even after being cut in half.

Another similar report by The HansIndia consolidated: “Yes, it is scientifically proven now Cockroaches are Edible and healthy to eat and they are high in protein levels.”

The report however came with some caveat: “But yes it should be cooked properly to kill its bacteria present on its body.”

Teminix, a popular bug brand in the US agreed on one of their blog posts with the title: “7 Countries Where Insects Mean a Great Meal” that cockroaches are not mere brutes as we see them in Nigeria.

“Bugs certainly possess nutritional benefits, and many other countries acknowledge and appreciate their unique flavors,” the Teminix story concluded.

Interestingly, Prime Business Africa found out that many other reports have actually given a nod that cockroaches are edible. But many Nigerians have sworn they won’t eat them as they remain an accursed brood.

What’s In It For The Roach Business Man?

Gulf News also observed: “The six-legged creatures may be a bugbear for most, but Li and other breeders in China are turning them into a niche business.”

Li, the roach farmer said, he harvests the cockroaches every  three months which also helps to keep the population under control. He simply drops some into a vat of boiling water before dehydrating the carcasses.

He demonstrated, the cockroach business is a serious business.  He had sold one tonne of dried cockroaches to a pharmaceutical factory for nearly 90,000 Yuan.

On what career path he was before he discovered the goldmine. Li said, he ran a mobile phone shop before going into cockroach farming in 2016 because it was low cost business and the insects are easy to rear. He converted his farmhouse and bought eggs from another breeder. His main source of income mes from selling the insects directly to farms or medicine factories, and this is supplemented by an online shop his daughter helped set up. Half-a-kilo (1.1 pounds) of whole dehydrated insects retail for between 100 and 600 Yuan.

Would You Eat Cockroaches From Today?

In a news post that sounds like a poll on Facebook, one user called, Johel Chyville spat: “Never in naija will anyone wana eat cockroaches….jeez!”

Another commenter, Adeniyi Owodunni prayed: “The Almighty God will not allow Nigeria to degenerate to a standard where the citizens will be taking cockroaches for food….. Amen and amen.”

In what seemed like a neutral comment, another Facebook user, Godwin Onah replied: “Jane cyril, its a question, so why do you think its stupid, you have not been compel (sic) to eat one, more so he is referring to Chinese cocroach (sic) and not the one in your change country, so before concluding whether the question is stupid, first of all endeavor to travel to China and conduct your feasibility studies, who knows, you can be granted the franchise to be the sole importer, pls try your luck.”

Another contributor, Stanley Nwachukwu rather issued everyone a warning about Chinese foods generally: “Much reason why we should be mindful of what we consume from China. From childhood, I have been told that cockroaches carry and transmit the virus that causes Tuberculosis, when did it suddenly become a delicacy?”

You see? Blackest darkness is not reserved for people who decide to eat cockroaches today as the poor pests have actually been protein-filled all the while.

Let’s know in the comment section of Prime Business Africa. Like a dog, would you lap up your own vomit? Will you start eating chockaches from today?


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