Condoning Evil Is A Perversity Of Religion 

Condoning Evil Is Perversity Of Religion 

1 week ago
2 mins read

“Socialism is the systematic improvement of the position of the working class without which the worker will spit on your socialism.” – Stalin, 1931.

Similarly, democracy is the transparent application of equality to all. Singularity of purpose must be matched with an open display of fairness; the gander must be treated as the goose. If one set of law is applicable to only a certain people while others are seen to be above such law; people will spit on your much touted democracy!

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The condoning of evil out of religious sentiment must be condemned and stamped out if we are truly striving towards an egalitarian society. However, such people must not be derided but pitied and re-educated to see the errors of their ways. It is a human frailty, and we are all humans.

Religion is invented to serve mankind, and not mankind for religion. If religion is perverted, what use is religion? If salt has lost its sweetness, what use is it but to be trodden underfoot and discarded. Therefore, we must take care to guard ourselves against acts that call into question our professed religious beliefs. When we condone evil, we do not strengthen our faith, but diminish and render it null and void in the eyes of the people.

We should not condone evil because it is being visited on other people by our faith, our ethnicity, our country, our friends, our family, or our political party. Evil is evil and has no place in our lives and in our society.

All men are created equal, therefore, all lives are sacrosanct in the sight of God. No one’s life is more precious than the other because of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs, or their nationalities. The life of a Jew is not more precious than that of a Christian, or a Moslem, or a Hindu, or an atheist. The life of a European is not more precious than that of an African, or an Asian, or an Arab, or a Latino. To understand this is a fundamental step towards building a just and peaceful world.

We must pray to God to give us the understanding to recognise evil and the courage to stand up and say, “This evil must not be committed in my name or in the name of my religion.”

If they can make you believe absurdities, they can also make you commit atrocities. Absurdities and atrocities are the new normal, but God is NEVER EVER, an author of evil! And don’t let anybody perverse your faith by preaching to you otherwise.

Do not be deceived by the worn-out refrain, “It is God’s will.” There is never anything like the will of God where evil is involved – it is the will of the wicked, the will of Satan, and not God’s!

Or should you ever countenance the mythological lie, “My God has given me your possession to possess and to turn you into my hewer of wood and drawer of water”. Section anybody spouting such nonsense in the nearest psychiatric hospital!



Dr Gabriel Uguru
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