Big Brother Titians: Meet The Finalist

BBTitians: This Week Is Fake Nomination Week, See Full List

2 years ago
1 min read

This week’s eviction would also make in the new pairing system, each pair would take turns to nominate, two other pairs. Unlike previous weeks, this week’s nomination is a fake nomination, that is, no house-mate would leave on Sunday.

As per usual, the head of house pair has immunity from this week’s eviction, they also have the Veto power to save and replace.

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READ ALSO:Yemi And Nelissa Emerge As This Week’s Head Of House

Here is the breakdown of how the housemates’ pairs voted:

Thabang and Nana – Khosi and Miracle(Khosicle) ; Kanaga Jr and Blue Aiva ( Kanvia)

Nelisa and Yemi –  Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals); Thabang and Nana (Thabana)

Juicy Jay and Olivia –Thabang and Nana (Thabana); Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals)

Justin and Yvonne-  Kanaga Jr and Blue Aiva ( Kanvia); Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals)

Ebubu and Tsatsii – Justin and Yvonne (Juvonne) ; Juicy Jay and Olivia( Juivola)

Kanaga Jr and Blue Aiva-  Khosi and Miracle(Khosicle) ; Justin and Yvonne (Juvonne)

Miracle OP and Khosi-  Justin and Yvonne (Juvonne) ; Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals)

Blaqboi and Ipeleng-  Khosi and Miracle(Khosicle) ; Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals)

At the end of the Fake Nomination process, the following were the pairs up for possible eviction:

Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals)

Thabang and Nana (Thabana)

Khosi and Miracle(Khosicle

Kanaga Jr and Blue Aiva ( Kanvia)

Justin and Yvonne (Juvonne)

The head of House pair, Ebubu and Tsatsii, saved Kanaga Jr and Blue Aiva ( Kanvia) and replaced them with Blaqboi and Ipeleng (Blaqleng)

The final Housemate pairs up for Nomination are:

Blaqboi and Ipeleng (Blaqleng)

Ebubu and Tsatii(Royals)

Thabang and Nana (Thabana)

Khosi and Miracle(Khosicle

Justin and Yvonne (Juvonne)




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