5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Good Friday
5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Good Friday

5 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Good Friday

3 years ago
1 min read

Christian festivals commemorate significant moments in every calendar.

Truly, if you are a Christian, chances are that you have heard and seen many Good Friday festivals and countless times too.

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The name ‘Good Friday’ may sound strange considering what happened on that day. You might say you do not actually believe that the day Jesus was crucified was ‘Good’ but it is called, Good Friday for the biggest reason that Christ’s death atoned for all sins.

You see? Whenever you hear people say: Isn’t it strange to call a day “good” when it represents Jesus’ death? Just tell them that the core message of the day is that when Jesus died on the cross, he atoned for the sin of mankind. Viola!

Here are some more facts about Good Friday, which may help you out to understand the festival in an interesting way: Some Good Friday re-enactments involve people willingly nailing themselves to crosses. That is! Some faithful go so far as to physically be nailed to crosses for a length of time just to show their faith.

  • No Meat On Good Friday: Catholics are not supposed to consume meat on Good Friday. They can have one complete meal or two smaller ones on this day.
  • Jesus Was Crucified By Nails Driven Into His Wrists, Not Hands. This is not to go canal but a Mayo Clinic study found that a human would be unable to support the weight of their body in their hands, but is able to in their wrists – the reason Jesus’s ‘nailers’ went for the wrist.
  • Good Friday Is Xmas’ Elder Brother (Or Should We Say Senior Sister): Another fascinating thing about Good Friday is that it’s much older than the celebration of Christmas. Even in the Bible, there is no mention of the day of Jesus’ birth but the Word does specify His crucifixion.
  • Most Sombre Day For Christians: Good Friday is considered the most somber day of the Christian Year and it’s suggested that the worship room should be stripped of any adornment.
  • The Time Jesus Died: 3 pm is the time that Jesus is thought to have died after being agonized on the cross for six hours and this is the reason why Roman Catholics start their service at 3 pm. In many churches, it takes the form of a meditation based on seven sayings, or last words of Jesus on the cross; with hymns, prayers, and short sermons.

There you go! Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and is the most solemn day in the Christian calendar as it is the day Jesus was crucified. That’s it!

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