Peter Obi Hails Chef Grace Nwaokobia For Breaking Guinness World Record

Peter Obi Hails Chef Grace Nwaokobia For Breaking Guinness World Record

2 weeks ago
1 min read

Presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2023 general election, Mr Peter Obi, has praised Chef Grace Nwaokobia, for her outstanding achievement in breaking the Guinness World Record, for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon by an individual.

In a statement released on X (formerly Twitter), Obi celebrated the chef’s feat, which saw her cook continuously for 86 hours, surpassing the previous record of 68 hours and 30 minutes. Obi arrived at the event at around 6:40 am to witness the historic milestone and to show his support.

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“Encouraging our young people towards entrepreneurship and expertise is vital,” Obi tweeted. “I showed up this morning to cheer on Chef Grace Nwaokobia (@chefgraceggk), as she made us proud by breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon by an individual. By the time I arrived, she had already extended the record to 86 hours and counting,” the former Anambra State governor stated.

Peter Obi Hails Chef Grace Nwaokobia For Breaking Guinness World Record

Significantly, the food prepared during the marathon was largely donated to charity. On Saturday, meals were supplied to The Little Saints Orphanage in Ilupeju, reflecting Chef Grace’s commitment to supporting those in need.

Obi emphasised the importance of creating an environment in Nigeria that supports young entrepreneurs. “Let’s create a supportive environment in Nigeria that empowers young people to be productive, unlocking their entrepreneurial potential,” he stated. “By doing so, we can build a new Nigeria which is now very possible!”


Peter Obi Hails Chef Grace Nwaokobia For Breaking Guinness World Record



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