Underrated S3xually Transmitted Diseases

5 Underrated S3xually Transmitted Diseases

8 months ago
1 min read

There are certain s3xually transmitted diseases (STDs) that lurk beneath the surface, often overlooked yet capable of causing significant harm. While many are familiar with mainstream STDs like HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea, a range of lesser-known infections demands attention and awareness.

Beyond the spotlight of public discourse lie STDs that quietly proliferate, evading detection and treatment and each harboring its own set of symptoms and complications:

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Mycoplasma genitalium: A bacterium causing urethritis in men and cervicitis in women.

Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV): A strain of Chlamydia trachomatis causing painful inguinal lymphadenopathy.

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Donovanosis (Granuloma Inguinale): A bacterium causing painless ulcers on the genitalia.

Molluscum Contagiosum: A poxvirus causing small, raised papules on the genitals.

Scabies: A mite infestation leading to intense itching and a pimple-like rash, usually transmitted through sexual or skin-skin contact.

Impact of the STDs

One of the most insidious aspects of these lesser-known STDs is their tendency to manifest asymptomatically (that is, having no signs or symptoms of disease), making detection challenging. Without visible signs, infected individuals unwittingly continue transmission, fueling the spread of these infections within communities.

Despite their stealthy nature, these STDs wield considerable power to wreak havoc on health. From infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease to chronic pain and increased vulnerability to other infections, the repercussions of untreated STDs are severe and far-reaching.


To combat the spread of these hidden STDs, we must understand that “Knowledge is our most potent weapon”, in order words, education and awareness are paramount. Encouraging regular testing, fostering open dialogue about s3xual health, and advocating comprehensive s3x education can help illuminate the shadowy corners where these infections thrive. Additionally, promoting safe s3xual practices, such as use of condom and mutual monogamy, serves as an effective measure to prevent their transmission.



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