3 SEO Stunts You Can Pull On Your Own
3 SEO Stunts You Can Pull On Your Own

3 SEO Stunts You Can Pull On Your Own

Start getting traffic as quick as immediately with these SEO tactics
3 years ago
2 mins read

With search engine algorithms changing by the minutes, it’s okay if you are confused and wondering what surprise to come next. You are not alone. Every search engine marketer is lost as you. But you must realise that there are some SEO efforts you can make today that would be the springboard for your company to emerge winner in the search engines, tomorrow and maybe forever.

Here are 3 simple answers to your question: “How to write for SEO?”

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Write Conversationally

How do you see what you are reading right now? Simple! Talk-to-a-friend style!! Yes!!! You must write in a way that the reader feels it’s a conversion between both of you. Remember the good old broadcasting style? It is what is preferred in SEO writing. We are in a global village. Aren’t we? Now talk to your reader as you would talk to your village people – the familiar, the you-and-I language, the informal, the colloquial even the slang…that’s the trick! Remember why? Because the psyche of the target audience of the search engines (who you are marketing to) is not necessarily academic.

Use “adjectives” in your headline not “verbs”

Are you a journalist? Now put those dilated eyes of yours back into their sockets. Yes do. You read right. I didn’t set the rules, Google did. In headlining or we call titling in this instance, you are encouraged to use adjectives and not verbs.  In all your news writing classes, you were taught that verbs are a never-to-be-done-without in all your straight news headlines. It’s high time you unlearnt that already if you want to write for the typical Google searcher and robots. That’s right. In writing for your online audience, adjectives reign here, not verbs. Words like “incredible,” “amazing,” “best,” you name them, should be incorporated in your titles! If you do, more people are going to click on it which means you would have succeeded in your search engine marketing efforts.

Engage keyword Elaborately

Do you know that this piece you are reading right now is strongly keyworded? Now get steady. Calm down and take a careful look at this piece. From the title through to the body to the end is laced with keyword and spiced with other SEO ingredients. Little or no mention was given to this buzzword in our journalism classes. But keyword is an authority in digital marketing. Remember how you were WARNED never to write a straight news headline without a verb? It’s in the same vein it is abominable if you wrote your content or whatever you’d want to share in the search engines without keyword. Kindly note you must not overdo it, lest, Google sentences you for a murder case known as “keyword stuffing.” Haha. Now you know Google can be a law court too. “Phew! What really is this keyword, I hear all the time?” You query. It’s not difficult. Recall those texts people key into Google when they are searching for something? That’s keyword. “So how is the search phrases which people type in Google, my business?” You wonder. Yes! It’s your business because that is WHO you are writing for in the realest sense. There would not be you (your website) without the searcher. In fact, there would not be Google and other search engines. It is the keyword that Google depends on to return the searchers expected results professionally known as Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Therefore, you need to think like the audience in this sense – thinking out possible words they might enter into Google searching for answers. Keyword research can be a bit rigorous though. But when you do, simply incorporate the key terms into your entire content. That way, you would have helped Google to help your ‘ministry.’

Hope this helps?

To etch your brand in the search engines, kindly explore these SEO opportunities immediately. Don’t forget to SHARE this post with your friends and always come back to Prime Business Africa for other interesting posts as this. Thanks for your time.

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