Fun Christmas Party Games To Play With Family And Friends

10 Fun Christmas Party Games To Play With Family And Friends

2 months ago
3 mins read

It’s the Christmas season. By now, preparations must be in full swing with plans for clothes, food, and even games to play if you host a Christmas party.

Even without hosting a party, you can still play games with your family and friends to liven up the moment and add to the season’s joy.

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If you’re stuck on fun Christmas party games to play with your family and friends, then here are 10 exciting Christmas games to try out:

Fun Christmas Party Games To Play With Family And Friends

  • Christmas Charades

Charades is quite a popular game at parties, except you add a Christmas twist this time.

Here’s how you can do it: Divide your guests into two groups, write down holiday-themed words or phrases on paper and fold them. After this, each player has to pick a paper and then try to act out whatever is on their selected paper without speaking. 

Their team will then try to guess the answer within a limited time; this could be 30 seconds to 1 minute.

  • Secret Santa

Who doesn’t love a good gift during Christmas? That’s what Secret Santa is all about. It involves your participant getting gifts from anonymous Santas.

You can turn this into a game by asking your participants to try to guess who their gift is from and maybe even have an extra gift for anyone who successfully gets who gifted them.

  • Christmas Trivia

How much do you and your guests know about your favourite holiday? Put this to the test by preparing questions about the origin of Christmas, carols, movies, and traditions.

You can make this more fun by dividing your guests into teams and each team gets a point with each correct answer. 

At the end of the trivia, the team with the most points gets a gift.

If you’re looking for help with trivia questions, then see everything you need to know about Christmas here.

  • Scoop the Bow

Your Christmas party is about to get more exciting with this game. Scoop the Bow is a fun Christmas game that involves scattering Christmas bows on a table and then giving your guests a spoon and a bowl.

Your guests have to race the clock to put as many bows as possible from the table to the bowl using just the spoon.

Want to make this even tougher and more exciting? Then let each player wear a blindfold as they try to pick up the bows with the spoon.

  • Get the Cup

If you’re a fan TikTok user, then you should already know this game. Get the cup is just as the name implies, ‘getting the cup.’ Here, you will have two teams directly face each other with a cup placed in the middle of each of them.

Then a moderator will call head, shoulder, knees, and cup. At the call of each, the players have to touch what is called. For example, when the moderator says shoulder, then the players will touch their shoulders; the same goes for the head.

Then, when ‘cup’ is finally called, the first person to grab the cup wins the game.

READ ALSO: 10 Christmas Traditions That Bring Us Together Every December

  • Reindeer Hooves Pickup

Let’s see how well your guests can do if they had hooves rather than hands. Tell your guests to put their hands into a plastic cup, one in each cup.

Then you can fold papers on a table or scatter any other item on the table and your guest will try to pick up this item using their ‘hooves’ and place them on a plate, which will be on the table as well.

Set a timer for this as well to make it competitive and fun.

  • Santa’s Balloon Lift

In this game, your guests will try to keep a balloon in the air by using only specific body parts. This could be their heads, knees, or elbows.

Start by selecting players, then place balloons on a table and have them stand a few feet away against the table.

Blow a whistle or a count for them to start by racing to the table, blowing air into a balloon, and then trying to keep it in the air until the time set is up.

You can use multiple balloons for each player to make it more fun and challenging.

  • Plastic Wrap Ball

To play this game, have a giant plastic wrap ball filled with small prizes, such as toys or gift cards depending on your party’s guests. 

Then the players will take turns unwrapping the ball while the person next to them rolls dice to get doubles. When doubles are rolled, the ball moves to the next player.

The final player who unwraps the plastic wrap ball gets the most gifts. This is a fun way of gifting your guests to your Christmas party.

  • One-Handed Team Gift Wrapping

Divide your guests into teams and give each team a gift. Now, these teams will work together to try to wrap the gift neatly using just one hand.

The first team to get their gift wrapped neatly gets a gift. 

  • Christmas Scavenger Hunt

This is a fun game that will get your guests moving about the place. Hide gifts around the house and then your guests will try to find these gifts. Each player gets to keep any gift that they find. 

You can provide a clue or make them solve a puzzle to get the hiding spots to make the game easier.

Final Thoughts

Make your Christmas party more fun by adding interesting games to keep your guests happy and entertained all through the party.

Whether you’ll be hosting the party with just your family or friends, you can still have a great and enjoyable Christmas together playing these games, so plan the games you’ll be playing at your party now and get ready for an exciting Christmas party.


elsie udoh
SEO Content Writer | Website |  + posts

Elsie Udoh is an SEO content writer who specialises in writing engaging stories that resonates with diverse audiences. She studied mass communication at the Lagos State University.

Elsie Udoh is an SEO content writer who specialises in writing engaging stories that resonates with diverse audiences. She studied mass communication at the Lagos State University.

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